Troubling men: interrogating masculinities and sexual and reproductive health in Accra, Ghana

I designed and led a multi-methods project examining how masculinities were implicated in men’s sexual and reproductive health and behaviours in Accra, Ghana. I facilitated the co-production with a partner-NGO of surveys and interview guides in Ga, Twi, and English.


306 respondent-driven sample surveys were completed during the research period, using mobile phones to administer in order to maintain COVID-19 health and safety. 37 in-depth interviews were also completed using mobile phone technology. Results focused on abortion, emergency contraception, and masculinities.

This work has been presented globally, including to invited talks at The Guttmacher Institute (USA), University of Ghana (Ghana), the Institut national d'études démographiques (France) and conferences including the Population Association America (USA) and the International Population Conference (Global).

For a list of publications, press HERE